You may be a professional looking after someone or providing support to someone who may be vulnerable and who has either told you they have been abused or you may suspect abuse.
If you suspect a child has been abused then you must report it to either the police or social services. The police have specially trained officers who will contact you.
If you want to discuss a referral please contact us on 0161 276 6515 during office hours.
If you are concerned about the behaviour of a young person and fear they are being sexually exploited then our Young Person’s Advocate might be able to help and support you.
Watch this film about our support for children at risk of sexual exploitation to find out more.
St Mary’s SARC can provide help and advice on what steps you need to take.
Our team is specially trained to work with people who have been raped, sexually assaulted or sexually abused. We will do our best to ensure that clients are treated with dignity and respect when they visit our Centre. Clients will be offered the range of services we offer and they can choose what they want to access.
Watch this film to find out more.
If you have any questions at all or want to discuss a referral please contact us on 0161 276 6515 (24 hours ) but if you are a professional then it is best to call during office hours.