It is never too late to seek the support you need following a rape or sexual assault. St Mary’s Centre has a number of highly skilled and specially trained counsellors who will help you talk about your experience and gain the support you need.

If your assault did not take place recently then we may not be able to find forensic evidence. However we may still be able to help with other matters, for example we can still provide advice and information on sexually transmitted infections, practical and emotional support. This support may be through our counsellors or Independent Sexual Violence Advisors (ISVA).

Our team of counsellors understand the devastating impact rape and sexual assault can have on your life. You may be experiencing feelings that you have never felt before and the assault may leave you feeling vulnerable, frightened and alone. These are completely normal feelings but you may want to share these feelings with someone who understands.

Our counsellors have been specifically trained to work with people who have experienced sexual violence or sexual abuse and will be available to you either soon after the assault or at some point in the future. Our dedicated team of counsellors all work within the British Association of Counselling and Psycholotherapy Ethical Framework.

A Crisis Worker or ISVA will discuss your counselling needs with you but you can also call us directly to make an appointment on 0161 276 6515.

**We may need to break confidentiality if we believe you or someone else is at risk of serious harm.

We would keep you informed of this wherever possible.

We will need to share information with other agencies if we believe a child has been or is at risk of serious harm.

Our services are available for men, women and children and young people.

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I am a young person
Men and Boys